“If the Democrats don’t win the White House back this fall there will be a hard core contingent of young Obama supporters who will be extremely disappointed,” said Alexandra Acker, executive director of the Young Democrats of America. “They will be looking for someone to blame and some may look to the long primary.”Let’s be clear, if Barack Obama doesn’t succeed in the General the fault will be his and his alone. There will be no Ted Kennedy betrayal of the standard bearer as there was in 1980. The Senator from Illinois will be responsible for losing the White House not the Senator from New York.
Statements such as Ms. Acker’s lead me to believe that Senator Obama’s supporters are nervous and unsure of their candidate. I see no such anxiety from Senator Clinton. In her speech on Saturday she made it clear that the only acceptable vote in November is for Mr. Obama. No if ands or buts, Senator Clinton supports Obama. It’s time for the winners to stop whining about the vulnerability of their candidate and get on with it.
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