Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Cheers to the French. Still upset by taunts and slurs from Americans renowned Parisian chef Pulle Doigt has created a new entree. The “Ecrou papillon de America” features foie de volaille and limace served with a savory oie cendree pisse sauce. Asked why he selected goose urine to top his creation Doigt replied, “Ah, goose piss, it accents the slugs and gently romances the chicken liver. It’s soooo, soooo … bleh.”

Cheers to cookbooks. Got my copy of “Bakin’ For My Mamma” yesterday in an unusually large package. Apparently the publishers included a mime and a stale baguette; the mime for when words fail and the baguette to hit him with.

Cheers to rain in Arizona yesterday. As rare as that is nothing can compare to the report that ex-Congressman JD Hayworth stepped out his front door, shook his fist at the sky and screamed, “Windbag! I got ya windbag,” before returning inside.

Cheers to KO’s Associate Directors. The Worst Person in World segment works so much better when the AD hits the music backtime.

Happy Wednesday all.