Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Cheers to Robots. Fox news is considering replacing some of it’s on air talent with robots. Their prototype, Les Headroom, is programable to the talking points of the day and can be updated whenever some say. Les comes in white only.

Cheers to anime. It’s hot with the younger set, it’s full of action and it’s loaded with inuendo; a perfect match for faux news. Hey, it’s FlagWavingFamilyLovingVictoryGirl doing a live remote from the oval office. “He’s sitting down now Les. He’s reaching out for something, I can’t tell…wait…yes, yes, he’s reaching for the extended finger of some guy in a Maine tee shirt. Oooh, that was nasty Les.”

Jeers to mepublicans. I was searching community tags on wingnut sites, but the only one I could find was HIYA (Hey, it’s your ass). Nice.

Cheers to ya’ll. Have a safe and sane Tuesday.