Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sunday Bambino Blogging

Photo by Lahdee

What was mighty Casey like as a child?

I took this photo sometime ago at a family function. With baseball season under way and school letting out back east I'm reminded of the determination and wonder of youth.

I've purchased the domain One of these days I'll figure out what to do with it. Why spend money on a domain and then a host, Dream Host? Sooner or later I'll remember what it means to write meaningfully and maybe even find that I've taken up photography again. I miss that, photography I mean.

Justice Antonin Scalia has declared that because habeas corpus protections apply to detainees held at Guantanamo Bay it “will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed.” Great, just what we need from a Supreme Court Justice, hyperbole.

As long as the court's current composition continues we will be subject to fear as an "judicial activist" weapon. I'm hoping his head will ache in January '09 when the politics of fear is shown the door. I'd sure like to see a Democratic Congress impeach and convict his butt.

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